Friday, July 1, 2011

Why the APP is "neutral" on Israel vs Palestine

Its actually really simple, and SO transparent.

See, the average Aussie looks at the Israel vs Palestine conflict and on one side, sees a civilised, orderly, cultured society, which is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East.

Then they look over to Palestine, and see a bunch of unwashed, inbred, religiously zealous arabs firing AK47s into the air at every chance they get.

The average Aussie thinks "Shit, I know where I would rather live, and who I would rather living next door to me".

Only Socialists, Hitler lovers, Skinheads, and White Nationalists (White Nazis) think Palestine is the rational choice.

While not many APP voters are Jew-hating nutcases, a frighteningly large amount of their activists are. Particularly in WA.

These nutcase activists have struck a kind of sick deal with the APP head morons. The nutcases won't openly display their anti-Jewish hatred (in most cases, but there are plenty of examples), and the APP won't openly support Israel.

As long as this agreement is adhered to, then the nutters will keep helping the APP in their activism.
This facade of "neutrality" that the APP claim is there for no other reason than to please the Jew-haters.

Do you really want people knowing you're associated with these delusional nuts?
Something to think about.

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