Friday, July 1, 2011

Why the APP is "neutral" on Israel vs Palestine

Its actually really simple, and SO transparent.

See, the average Aussie looks at the Israel vs Palestine conflict and on one side, sees a civilised, orderly, cultured society, which is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East.

Then they look over to Palestine, and see a bunch of unwashed, inbred, religiously zealous arabs firing AK47s into the air at every chance they get.

The average Aussie thinks "Shit, I know where I would rather live, and who I would rather living next door to me".

Only Socialists, Hitler lovers, Skinheads, and White Nationalists (White Nazis) think Palestine is the rational choice.

While not many APP voters are Jew-hating nutcases, a frighteningly large amount of their activists are. Particularly in WA.

These nutcase activists have struck a kind of sick deal with the APP head morons. The nutcases won't openly display their anti-Jewish hatred (in most cases, but there are plenty of examples), and the APP won't openly support Israel.

As long as this agreement is adhered to, then the nutters will keep helping the APP in their activism.
This facade of "neutrality" that the APP claim is there for no other reason than to please the Jew-haters.

Do you really want people knowing you're associated with these delusional nuts?
Something to think about.

And so it is done

The Australian Identity Forum is all but dead. With 3-4 regular posters, it is a ghost town with only die hards and moderators populating it's sad little threads.

I hope that we at APPExposed have helped to make this happen.

No doubt Nick (Dick) Folkes will try to tell the APP members that it is a "minor setback" or something similarly delusional.

Onwards And Upwards!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Need I say more?

He even outs himself. Nice work getting rid of the Holocaust denier, Darrin.

More and more lies from the "no Nazis in our party" brigade.

Jonas sees through Jaxxen's lies

Forum member Jonas has joined the ranks for growing people who have seen through the false identity of "Devon Warrington", and have realised that he is the Nazi Jaxxen, who was "removed" from AI by Darrin Hodges.

Can you hear that Darrin? Its the sound of your lies, and your party, falling apart.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Action Jaxxen returns

As usual, any action by the APP to "remove" Nazis and extremists from their ranks is just for show.

Jaxxen The Crippled Jew Hater has returned to the Australian Identity Forum as
"Devon Warrington". Darrin must think the APP members to be absolute morons if he believes this ruse is fooling anyone.

Just another example of APP dishonesty. ALL HEIL HERR HODGES!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nick Cole's faux Nazi "words"

This little Nazi has created "The 21 words". Now, where have I heard a phrase like that before?

Oh I don' know, maybe The 14 Words!? For those of you who are unfamiliar with The 14 Words, it is a phrase often used by extremists. It goes like this:

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children".

Now, upon reading, it doesn't sound all that sinister does it? Sounds quite protective and unified.
The reality is, people who are fans of this phrase and its hidden meaning, are genuine racists. They often don't just want to preserve their own kind, but wipe out other races. They are mostly Nazi and "White Nationalists" = similar to Nazis, but don't like describing themselves as such.

Who does this little Jew hater think he's kidding? 21 words?! Just come out and say it, Nick, you worship The 14 Words, and you hate Jews. Every single person I have spoken to who likes The 14 Words has been a Jew hater.

If Darrin allowed 21 to post what he truely felt, his profile would look something like this:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another APP supporter shows his true colours

This is Joel. He is a supporter of APP. Below is a picture of him helping APP at the Newtown "protest" which had all of 4-5 people attend it.

Here is Joel getting ready to hand out some violence.

And here he is, looking very brokeback mountain in his towel, with a big SS poster behind him.
 Now some people have said that the SS is the last two Ss of a Kiss poster. I'll show you that it is not.

This is what the Kiss logo looks like:

Notice the difference? The bottom strokes on the end of each S is a lot longer on the Kiss logo, and the part joining the top and bottom is much thinner than the ones on Joel's poster.

Now lets take a look at the Waffen SS symbol that is frequently used by Nazis on extremist sites like Stormfront.

Whoa?! It's Joel's poster! Another Nazi in APP. Where will it stop?

Tell Keith how you feel

I have now enabled comments from non-registered users, so if you want to show your feelings on APP, don't be shy.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Detective PAT50

Well Pat, you're a regular Inspector Morse! Gee, I wonder what made you clue on to my identity? My writing style? My insults? Or maybe, just maybe it is that I put my first name at the bottom of all my posts. Yeah! That could be it!

You should apply to join ASIO, Pat. With a bloodhound nose like your's, you would be extremely valueable to them in pointing out the screaming obvious. Nice detective work, wanker.

And by the way, Fullerton is not my real name.
