Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Extremists Within APP

Hello folks. In this first post on our blog, I would like to introduce a few characters you might want to become familiar with.

The first is Jaxxen. He is a regular poster on the Australian Identity Forum, and the super-extreme Stormfront. The policy of the AI forums is that no anti-Semetic material is to be posted there, and Jaxxen generally adheres to that, because he does not want to upset Darrin Hodges, moderator of AI, whose username on the forum is "Goldstein" (a pathetic attempt to prove they are not anti-Semetic after all the anti-Jewish rants from Nicholas Cole, but we'll get to him later).

Jaxxen behaves himself when on AI, but switch to Stormfront, where no such restrictions apply, and watch this Jew-obsessed little Nazi lover go. Take it away Jaxxen...

Wow, jaxxen. You seem really concerned about Jews for someone who is a member of a forum that is moderated by Darrin Hodges, who only recently gave up his position as chairman of APP.

This is the part where the head morons at APP will tell you that the AI forum is not an official APP forum.
Okay, call it what you will, but the other members are always talking about APP, the (former) chairman of APP is the chief moderator, and all the senior state representatives of APP have accounts on the forum, it is pretty hard to believe that it is not the APP's forum, even if they chose to call it something else.

Now lets take a look at Nicholas Cole. This guy is not just a member of the AI forum, but Darrin "Goldstein" Hodges made him a moderator, under the username "21". I thought the purpose of a moderator was to keep the forum MODERATE. I guess this is Darrin's idea of a responsible, moderate person who can be trusted to keep the loonies out.

Nick is Facebook friends with Welf Herfurth, a known figure of the Blood and Honour Neo-Nazi music scene.
Nick also likes to indulge in nutcase anti-Semetic conspiracy theories. In his little mind, if a Jewish guy insures a building he owns, fairly close to the date when that building gets destroyed, it is automatically a conspiracy. The Jewish guy must immediately be under suspicion for some kind of underhanded activity. Why? Because he's Jewish! Okay Nick, we'll take your word for it, now it is time to take your medication....
Nick's Facebook mates don't hesitate to tell him how much they hate Jews either.
APP rep Nick Folkes also has this guy as a friend on his Facebook page.

If anyone is in doubt, you can check Nicholas Cole's Facebook page for yourself. However he may have seen this blog and removed  some of the messages.
Nicholas Cole's Facebook

Stay tuned for more APP antics and foolery, we are only getting started.


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