This blog exists to expose the lies of the Australian Protectionist Party.
Friday, December 31, 2010
All talk, no action
Right, this blog has done no damage at all to APP hey Darrin? Thats why Nick Folkes got his knickers in a knot and sent me all those abusive emails. Because no damage had been done.
Once again, Darrin Hodges makes big promises and like the times before, he will deliver small results.
People should believe Darrin when he says something? Why? Actions speak louder than words, and I think what he meant by "steaming ahead" is that he and Nick Folkes will be pushing a big steaming pile of shit uphill. Just look at Darrin's avatar. Says it all really.
I mean seriously, how long have APP been going now, four years? And the biggest crowd they can get to a protest (when not just showing up at someone else's protest and calling it an APP rally) would be, what?
20 people?
So if we look at it mathematically, the genius of Darrin Hodges and Nick Folkes has been able to build the number of people they can call on by 5 people a year? 5??? And last protest, they couldn't even manage 5! Yeah, you guys are just going from strength to strength, really "steaming ahead". Amateurs.
Join Nick Folkes and Darrin Hodges, er I mean the "resistance" NOW!
Yes folks, support the APP, and you will be invited to their Jew gassing BBQ next weekend!
I hear that more than 4 people are going to show up. APP, wild party boys.
I hear that more than 4 people are going to show up. APP, wild party boys.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Nick Folkes, fights like a child.
Nick Folkes, who aspires to become an elected senator (Big dream, small brain) has sent me some rather pissed off emails of late. If he had flat out insulted and abused me, I might have had some respect for him for growing some balls and telling me how he feels, but the content of his emails was like something about of a 4th grade lunch time slanging match.
I must admit, I didn't hold back with the insults either, but at least mine were above the level of "ner ner, nah, ner ner, you have a fat mum" mentality. And this guy thinks people are going to vote for him?
He's as deluded as the Jew conspiracy types if he thinks that's going to happen. Here are the emails:
My Master? In your dreams, Folkes. You can't even master a crowd of people without getting booed off stage. Yeah, I heard all about your "success" at public speaking.
And your comments on AI. APP is making "inroads"?? The only "inroads" you're making is with your tongue up Nazis' arseholes. Last demonstration you had, only 4 people showed up! And you think you're going to lead a movement? What fucking joke.
If you can't even get 10 people, who aren't APP staff to show up and support you, you're fucking dreaming. Even the almost dead Socialist Alliance can muster more people than that.
Fuck, if I held a protest for our right to slaughter small children with machetes, I would get more than 4 people.
Face it Folkes, your "party" has been dead and hopeless for a while. Its just an exercise in futility now.
So you say I hide behind my keyboard? Maybe true, but you hide Nazis behind your back while giving a moderate smile to peoples' faces, all the while assuring them there isn't a Nazi within 100km of APP.
You should change the name. The Australian Pretenders Party - we'll be anything you want us to be! Just please show up at our protests so we look like we represent the majority, instead of a fringe pack of Jew haters.
"Hush baby hush now stop crying" - are you for real? I stopped throwing insults like that in grade 4. If you said that to another adult man in real life, he would laugh at you. Grow up you fucking brain dead retard.
Oh, and call Jenny Craig too, and spend some time working your fat arse into shape. It would be more productive than anything you do for APP.
Here's the number: 1300 858 198
Your Wife's First Throat Fuck
Hush little child.
Your Master
Seriously, look at this guy. Dumb as a fence post, and he turns up to APP "protests" looking like a filthy, unshaven bum. Yeah, I'll vote for you Nick! Right.....
I must admit, I didn't hold back with the insults either, but at least mine were above the level of "ner ner, nah, ner ner, you have a fat mum" mentality. And this guy thinks people are going to vote for him?
He's as deluded as the Jew conspiracy types if he thinks that's going to happen. Here are the emails:
----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Folkes
Sent: 12/26/10 01:04 PM
To: app exposed
Subject: Re: Hi Nick
Hi Keith Fullerton,
Your mate Jackass is also a Nutzi. We have pics of him at last Sunday's mural counter protest throwing Nazi salutes into the air.
Jaxxen is a first grade troll but to make fun of his disability lessens your stature.
Are you part of Jackass/Salim's Eureka Brigade?
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 12:20 AM, app exposed wrote:You're a hypocrite, Nick. Jaxxen might have been removed as moderator, but you and Darrin have been trying to hide that little Nazi Nick Cole any way you can. I've heard all about it from a few people.
He's still a "moderator" on AI. You can't fool me with the same bullshit you spin on the APP members, I'm not a fool like your yes men foot soldiers who swallow your crap.
I don't have anything to do with AFP. More Nazis than APP. You're a joke and an insult to real Australian patriots. You can't even learn from the mistakes of the BNP. They used to use Nazis, and then they realised that it wasn't working, and stopped.
Suddenly, ta da! They had success without the Jew haters. But no, APP is destined to repeat all those mistakes instead of learning from them. Too late now, the APP name is known for hiding Hitler lovers. Your "party" is like a paraplegic at a ballroom dance, and every time Nazi nutters like Jaxxen and Nick Cole open their mouths, they're breaking another vertebrae, bringing you closer to being a quadraplegic, even when they are pretending to be "neutral" on Middle East issues, the seething hatred of Jews is obvious behind their thinly veiled attempts at looking like a sane person.
Your sad attempt at a party is fucked, and you know it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Folkes
Sent: 12/29/10 12:47 AM
To: app exposed
Subject: Re: Hi Nick
You're a little bothered tonight. Dole cheque running low?
"Heard all about it from a few people"?? Who? Your bumchum Jackass?
What have you done to push the Patriotic movement forward? The only thing you do is sit on your fingers and wait for a belated orgasm.
I enjoy your profanity, it exposes you as a lowlife Nazi hanging out at public bins.
Grow up dickhead,
Your Master.
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 12:38 AM, app exposed wrote:I have "grown up". It is you who is the childish moron still playing at the fantasy of making a party work with Nazis around. Grow a brain.
You're a real first class idiot Nick. Running around trying to give speeches to small country town folk in a that cheesy American "Hello Patriots!" manner. You don't know how to talk to different types of people.
And you're a piss weak fool. Even that bitch Tracy has more balls than you.
Your Mum's Anal Violator.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Folkes
Sent: 12/30/10 11:01 PM
To: app exposed
Subject: Re: Hi Nick
Good onya Nazi Keith Fullerton.
Been stroking Jackass' penile implant?
You are just jealous 'cause you have achieved nothing.
You hide behind your boyfriend's keyboard.
Just beacsue you got kicked out of ADL you have to carry on - nobody wants you.
Hush baby hush now stop crying.
Your Master
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:19 PM, app exposed wrote:
My Master? In your dreams, Folkes. You can't even master a crowd of people without getting booed off stage. Yeah, I heard all about your "success" at public speaking.
And your comments on AI. APP is making "inroads"?? The only "inroads" you're making is with your tongue up Nazis' arseholes. Last demonstration you had, only 4 people showed up! And you think you're going to lead a movement? What fucking joke.
If you can't even get 10 people, who aren't APP staff to show up and support you, you're fucking dreaming. Even the almost dead Socialist Alliance can muster more people than that.
Fuck, if I held a protest for our right to slaughter small children with machetes, I would get more than 4 people.
Face it Folkes, your "party" has been dead and hopeless for a while. Its just an exercise in futility now.
So you say I hide behind my keyboard? Maybe true, but you hide Nazis behind your back while giving a moderate smile to peoples' faces, all the while assuring them there isn't a Nazi within 100km of APP.
You should change the name. The Australian Pretenders Party - we'll be anything you want us to be! Just please show up at our protests so we look like we represent the majority, instead of a fringe pack of Jew haters.
"Hush baby hush now stop crying" - are you for real? I stopped throwing insults like that in grade 4. If you said that to another adult man in real life, he would laugh at you. Grow up you fucking brain dead retard.
Oh, and call Jenny Craig too, and spend some time working your fat arse into shape. It would be more productive than anything you do for APP.
Here's the number: 1300 858 198
Your Wife's First Throat Fuck
And Nick responds with the devestatingly witty:
Go to bed and leave the adults alone.
Seriously, look at this guy. Dumb as a fence post, and he turns up to APP "protests" looking like a filthy, unshaven bum. Yeah, I'll vote for you Nick! Right.....
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
21 bans talk of Jews
Well, what better way to avoid having to actually kick the Nazis out than by banning the topics Nazis love to rant about. This way, Dick Folkes and Darrin don't have to lose their Nazi activists, and at the same time, it looks like there are no Nazis because they aren't allowed to voice their opinions. Typical lazy, short-sighted, amateur APP tactic.They couldn't just kick out Nazis like 21, could they? Nope.
This is my prediction:
APP will go down the same road as the BNP, only with MUCH less success and money. Darrin will get sick of it, and leave, leaving Dick Folkes to run all over the state, mouthing off with his tacky, plastic, American style "Hello Patriots!" speeches which alienate the average person, and make him look like a complete tool.
By this time, the Nazi branch of APP in WA will have supporters in other branches, and will get sick of Nick defending Jews, and they will kick him out. From this time on, APP will just become another AFP, full of anti-semites and conspiracy theory types. Hell, Jaxxen will probably be invited back, that is if he was really kicked out in the first place, and not just for "show", which is the usual modus operandi of the APP.
This is my prediction:
APP will go down the same road as the BNP, only with MUCH less success and money. Darrin will get sick of it, and leave, leaving Dick Folkes to run all over the state, mouthing off with his tacky, plastic, American style "Hello Patriots!" speeches which alienate the average person, and make him look like a complete tool.
By this time, the Nazi branch of APP in WA will have supporters in other branches, and will get sick of Nick defending Jews, and they will kick him out. From this time on, APP will just become another AFP, full of anti-semites and conspiracy theory types. Hell, Jaxxen will probably be invited back, that is if he was really kicked out in the first place, and not just for "show", which is the usual modus operandi of the APP.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Nick Folkes Forced To Act
After seeing this blog, Nick Folkes wrote to me, and informed me that he was going to do something about Jaxxen and 21 (Nick Cole). So far, Jaxxen has been banned, but I don't think this was for his anti-Semetic views, more likely for his support of the Australia First Party.
Meanwhile, 21 is still a moderator on AI, and the user m14, who I suspect is also Nick Cole, is being allowed to run rampant around the AI forum, spewing forth his Jew-hate, without so much as a warning from Darrin "Goldstein" Hodges.
Just another example of APP making superficial changes to avoid the Nazi tag, while deceiving their members as they hide extremists in their ranks.
Meanwhile, 21 is still a moderator on AI, and the user m14, who I suspect is also Nick Cole, is being allowed to run rampant around the AI forum, spewing forth his Jew-hate, without so much as a warning from Darrin "Goldstein" Hodges.
Just another example of APP making superficial changes to avoid the Nazi tag, while deceiving their members as they hide extremists in their ranks.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Jaxxen Denies the Holocaust
Well it's official.
Jaxxen does not believe in the Holocaust. Darrin's latest moderator on Australian Identity is an undeniable, bonafide, Nazi.
That's right Jaxxen, must not criticize the boy because he makes the "mistake" of believing rational history lessons, we must educate the kid in the ways of Nutzi dogma until he sees the light, hey?
Why, you two faced little turncoat. Pretending to be moderate, then cheering on the opposite side.
Darrin won't be pleased.
Oh yes Jaxxen, can't be blatant about it can we? Must hide under a cloak of sanity while cursing those terrible Jews from your wheelchair, you twisted, sick cripple.
Jaxxen does not believe in the Holocaust. Darrin's latest moderator on Australian Identity is an undeniable, bonafide, Nazi.
That's right Jaxxen, must not criticize the boy because he makes the "mistake" of believing rational history lessons, we must educate the kid in the ways of Nutzi dogma until he sees the light, hey?
Why, you two faced little turncoat. Pretending to be moderate, then cheering on the opposite side.
Darrin won't be pleased.
Oh yes Jaxxen, can't be blatant about it can we? Must hide under a cloak of sanity while cursing those terrible Jews from your wheelchair, you twisted, sick cripple.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Action Jaxxen joins the crew - another Nazi leading the charge
Well, look at this.

Darrin has made Jaxxen, a long time Stormfront poster, and anti-semite, a moderator.
What a joke. How the hell can the APP call itself a "moderate" party with conspiracy theory nutjobs like him running around controlling the APP forum.
Oh that's right, its not the APP's forum. Right.

Darrin has made Jaxxen, a long time Stormfront poster, and anti-semite, a moderator.
What a joke. How the hell can the APP call itself a "moderate" party with conspiracy theory nutjobs like him running around controlling the APP forum.
Oh that's right, its not the APP's forum. Right.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Darrin Hodges, Lord Of The Dildos
Here are some amusing graphics we found in our travels.
It appears that we are not the only ones who dislike APP and their false moderacy.
We had heard that Darrin was flogging dildos (pun intended), but never imaged they would be so perverse.
It appears that we are not the only ones who dislike APP and their false moderacy.
We had heard that Darrin was flogging dildos (pun intended), but never imaged they would be so perverse.
The Extremists Within APP
Hello folks. In this first post on our blog, I would like to introduce a few characters you might want to become familiar with.
The first is Jaxxen. He is a regular poster on the Australian Identity Forum, and the super-extreme Stormfront. The policy of the AI forums is that no anti-Semetic material is to be posted there, and Jaxxen generally adheres to that, because he does not want to upset Darrin Hodges, moderator of AI, whose username on the forum is "Goldstein" (a pathetic attempt to prove they are not anti-Semetic after all the anti-Jewish rants from Nicholas Cole, but we'll get to him later).
Jaxxen behaves himself when on AI, but switch to Stormfront, where no such restrictions apply, and watch this Jew-obsessed little Nazi lover go. Take it away Jaxxen...
Wow, jaxxen. You seem really concerned about Jews for someone who is a member of a forum that is moderated by Darrin Hodges, who only recently gave up his position as chairman of APP.
This is the part where the head morons at APP will tell you that the AI forum is not an official APP forum.
Okay, call it what you will, but the other members are always talking about APP, the (former) chairman of APP is the chief moderator, and all the senior state representatives of APP have accounts on the forum, it is pretty hard to believe that it is not the APP's forum, even if they chose to call it something else.
Now lets take a look at Nicholas Cole. This guy is not just a member of the AI forum, but Darrin "Goldstein" Hodges made him a moderator, under the username "21". I thought the purpose of a moderator was to keep the forum MODERATE. I guess this is Darrin's idea of a responsible, moderate person who can be trusted to keep the loonies out.
Nick is Facebook friends with Welf Herfurth, a known figure of the Blood and Honour Neo-Nazi music scene.
Nick also likes to indulge in nutcase anti-Semetic conspiracy theories. In his little mind, if a Jewish guy insures a building he owns, fairly close to the date when that building gets destroyed, it is automatically a conspiracy. The Jewish guy must immediately be under suspicion for some kind of underhanded activity. Why? Because he's Jewish! Okay Nick, we'll take your word for it, now it is time to take your medication....
Nick's Facebook mates don't hesitate to tell him how much they hate Jews either.
APP rep Nick Folkes also has this guy as a friend on his Facebook page.
If anyone is in doubt, you can check Nicholas Cole's Facebook page for yourself. However he may have seen this blog and removed some of the messages.
Nicholas Cole's Facebook
Stay tuned for more APP antics and foolery, we are only getting started.
The first is Jaxxen. He is a regular poster on the Australian Identity Forum, and the super-extreme Stormfront. The policy of the AI forums is that no anti-Semetic material is to be posted there, and Jaxxen generally adheres to that, because he does not want to upset Darrin Hodges, moderator of AI, whose username on the forum is "Goldstein" (a pathetic attempt to prove they are not anti-Semetic after all the anti-Jewish rants from Nicholas Cole, but we'll get to him later).
Jaxxen behaves himself when on AI, but switch to Stormfront, where no such restrictions apply, and watch this Jew-obsessed little Nazi lover go. Take it away Jaxxen...
Wow, jaxxen. You seem really concerned about Jews for someone who is a member of a forum that is moderated by Darrin Hodges, who only recently gave up his position as chairman of APP.
This is the part where the head morons at APP will tell you that the AI forum is not an official APP forum.
Okay, call it what you will, but the other members are always talking about APP, the (former) chairman of APP is the chief moderator, and all the senior state representatives of APP have accounts on the forum, it is pretty hard to believe that it is not the APP's forum, even if they chose to call it something else.
Now lets take a look at Nicholas Cole. This guy is not just a member of the AI forum, but Darrin "Goldstein" Hodges made him a moderator, under the username "21". I thought the purpose of a moderator was to keep the forum MODERATE. I guess this is Darrin's idea of a responsible, moderate person who can be trusted to keep the loonies out.
Nick is Facebook friends with Welf Herfurth, a known figure of the Blood and Honour Neo-Nazi music scene.
Nick also likes to indulge in nutcase anti-Semetic conspiracy theories. In his little mind, if a Jewish guy insures a building he owns, fairly close to the date when that building gets destroyed, it is automatically a conspiracy. The Jewish guy must immediately be under suspicion for some kind of underhanded activity. Why? Because he's Jewish! Okay Nick, we'll take your word for it, now it is time to take your medication....
Nick's Facebook mates don't hesitate to tell him how much they hate Jews either.
APP rep Nick Folkes also has this guy as a friend on his Facebook page.
If anyone is in doubt, you can check Nicholas Cole's Facebook page for yourself. However he may have seen this blog and removed some of the messages.
Nicholas Cole's Facebook
Stay tuned for more APP antics and foolery, we are only getting started.
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