Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Torpedo The Boats" is...torpedoed

The results are in, the APP have officially made progress. I have said in the past that the pathetic result of getting 4 people to their earlier protests was a joke, and that they would never improve. Well I have been proven wrong. Due to the no doubt tireless, and well organised efforts of Dick Folkes and Co, they managed to get 5 people to the "Torpedo The Boats" protest, thats right, 5 people.

Well done APP, you found another mentally unstable lost soul who didn't have anything better to do than follow you clowns around all day. Lets hear it for the APP progress! Yay! Big party tonight!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Little Britain Couldn't Write Stuff This Funny

Having destroyed any possibility of being taken seriously as a political party, The APP have now taken to appealing to the lowest intellects among all activists - the angry, futile, reactionaries.

Their new "protest" is aimed as a counter-protest to a "weclome" protest being held by a bunch of hippies.

Now the APP have truely registered themselves as a worthless, sinking ship by even taking notice of this little rag-tag group. 979 invited to "Torpedo The Boats", and only 103 confirmed.

After 5 years, they can't even manage to get more than 10% of invited people to come. Having seen the results of their other protests, it will be more like 20 that turn up. How sad.

Congratulations APP, you are now truely small-time. Whats next? Showing up at Red rallies to punch on like a bunch of teen Anarchists? This protest should be renamed "Torpedo The Last Shreds Of The APP's Credibility"

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nazi Nick Returns to the Australian Identity Forum

Who does this fool think he's kidding?

LibertarianAussie? Its Nazi Nick Cole from the Third Reich division of APP in Western Australia.

Nice work there APP, once again weeding out the Nazis that have "inflitrated" (read been hidden any which way possible) your "party".