Having destroyed any possibility of being taken seriously as a political party, The APP have now taken to appealing to the lowest intellects among all activists - the angry, futile, reactionaries.
Their new "protest" is aimed as a counter-protest to a "weclome" protest being held by a bunch of hippies.
Now the APP have truely registered themselves as a worthless, sinking ship by even taking notice of this little rag-tag group. 979 invited to "Torpedo The Boats", and only 103 confirmed.
After 5 years, they can't even manage to get more than 10% of invited people to come. Having seen the results of their other protests, it will be more like 20 that turn up. How sad.
Congratulations APP, you are now truely small-time. Whats next? Showing up at Red rallies to punch on like a bunch of teen Anarchists? This protest should be renamed "Torpedo The Last Shreds Of The APP's Credibility"